San Diego Ca 92130
Carpet Care and Maintenance Tips For Healthy Long Lasting Carpet!
Isn't the only reason to have the carpets cleaned to remove dirt?
No! Outdoor air contains pollens, fungi, bacteria, air pollution, cigarette smoke, car exhaust, and hundreds of other chemicals. When you and your family members enter your home, those indoor air pollutants are introduced by way of your clothing and shoes. These indoor air pollutants settle deep within your carpet. If you have allergies, asthma, emphysema, or other breathing problems, one major source of your problem could be these pollutants nestled within your carpets. Even if you don't smoke, any of the 4,000 different chemical compounds found in cigarettes can be tracked into your home and left in the carpet. Carpet cleaning from Peninsula Carpet Care will remove much more than dirt from your carpet. Regular carpet cleaning will actually help improve your homes indoor air quality.